Dr. Shahla Asvadi - MD

Eczema Explained: Understanding Triggers, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Living with eczema? Learn to manage your condition and prevent flare-ups with the help of Dr. Shahla Asvadi and Nicole Morgan PA-C at Framingham Dermatology in Framingham, MA. 

Quick Guide to Eczema: Symptoms, Triggers, and Treatment

Eczema – otherwise known as atopic dermatitis – is a complex skin condition that isn’t completely understood. It is known to be an inflammatory response caused by exposure to various things. Below, our providers in Framingham, MA, explain more about this condition, its symptoms, potential triggers, and treatment options. 

Symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis 

Atopic dermatitis typically causes severe itching, but that’s not the only characteristic. Sufferers also often deal with red, scaly rashes that usually ooze. It might also cause blisters, bumps, or changes in the color or texture of the skin in irritated areas. 

Common Triggers 

Triggers can be as unique as the individual, but there are some common types of irritants. These include but are not limited to: 

Household products: Chemicals in laundry detergents and cleaning products are common culprits. 

  • Dry skin: Dry skin cracks, which makes it easier for irritants to cause a flare-up. 
  • Hygiene products: Anything from body wash to makeup and perfumes can trigger your symptoms. 
  • Stress: Though not fully understood yet, there seems to be a significant connection between stress and eczema symptoms. 
  • Metal: Nickel in jewelry, for example, often creates a reaction on the skin. 
  • Living environment: Dusty, dirty living spaces have been known to cause flare-ups. 

Treatment for Atopic Dermatitis 

One of the most important steps in managing and preventing flare-ups is to identify your triggers. You can then plan to avoid or limit your exposure to them. 

Identifying your triggers can take some time, and unfortunately, you might not be able to avoid them all of the time. Therefore, it’s important to work with your dermatologist to develop an effective management plan. 

Every individual will have unique needs and different triggers, so treatment plans are customized. Some treatment options include: 

  • Prescription-grade moisturizers 
  • Both OTC and prescription topical medications
  • Immunosuppressants 

Your dermatologist can also recommend some home remedies, products, and steps you can take each day to help prevent flare-ups. 

Get ahead of your eczema by working with Dr. Shahla Asvadi and our physician assistant Nicole Morgan at Framingham Dermatology in Framingham, MA. Call (508) 644-0040 to schedule an appointment today.

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